Wednesday, July 15, 2009

A Baby Story

One of my guilty pleasures since I've been pregnant has been watching "A Baby Story" in the afternoon while Logan is napping. Yesterday I was indulging and I have to say, that I got so angry at the doctors on tv that I had to call my mother to vent. The first one that I was watching was a woman that had had premature labor starting at 25 weeks. She was at 39 weeks, and instead of attempting her VBAC like she had wanted, the doctor talked her into a repeat c-section. The doctor told her that she had already come that far, and had been through so much, and he'd hate to see her attempt a VBAC and risk the baby at that point. That at 39 weeks the baby would be so big that a VBAC would be "devastating" to both the baby and the mother. The baby, FYI was only 7lbs 14oz. Just a side note about VBAC's- My mother had one in 1989, with pitocin, delivered a 9lb 2oz baby girl. I didn't even know that VBAC's were such a big deal until I joined
The second episode I watched was a woman who went in for a scheduled induction. She went in, got the cervadil and waited. Overnight she had progressed to 2 cm. The doctor checked her a few hours later and she was still 2 cm. They said that the baby hadn't engaged yet so that she probably wouldn't dilate on her own. So after a long explanation, the doctor basically told her that she might as well just have a c-section because she was going to end up with one anyways if she waited. Even her family in the room said "Well the doctor made it clear and it sounds like you have no choice" How about go home and wait until the baby is ready! That baby was 5lbs 13oz.
UGH! I haven't even discussed the actual birth with my doctor yet. I was more focused on the actual pregnancy and my high risk status. My status has made me shy away from a midwife because I felt that it was important to be thoroughly evaluated first. I really hope that he is supportive of a natural birth.

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